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Jarrod J. Scott

I study microbial diversity. My approach is holistic, spanning marine & terrestrial systems to understand how simple organisms coalesce into complex communities & how these communities affect host biology, biogeochemical cycles, & ecosystem-level processes. I also work to make my research more accessible & exciting, transparent & reproducible. I use & teach open-source tools to create web products that communicate science more effectively.

Current Appointment

Research Associate

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute


2022 -


PhD Microbiology

University of Wisconsin

Madison, Wisconsin USA

2011 - 2006

BSc Aquatic Biology, Minor in Archaeology

University of Texas

Austin, Texas USA

2002 - 1998

Prior Research Positions

STRI/Moore Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute


2017 - 2022

  • Microbial ecology of coral reefs & mangrove ecosystems across the Isthmus of Panama. The Eastern Pacific & Western Atlantic.

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences

East Boothbay, Maine USA

2016 - 2012

Graduate Fellow

University of Wisconsin

Madison, Wisconsin USA

2011 - 2010

Predoctoral Fellow

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Gamboa, Panama

2010 - 2009

Research Technician

University of Texas

Austin, Texas USA

2005 - 2002

Marine Field Experience

Caribbean Field Work

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Bocas del Toro, Panama

2020 - 2017

Extensive field work around the Bocas del Toro archipelago.

Expeditions to Isla Coiba

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Isla Coiba, Panama

2020 - 2017

5 expeditions over the past 3 years

Use this link to learn more about Isla Coiba.

R/V Revelle & ROV Jason II (cruise RR1413)

Submarine Ring of Fire - Ironman Cruise

Mariana BackArc Basin


November 23 – December 21

All research cruises from 2012 - 2014 were to study the microbial ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal systems, specifically iron-oxidizing communities.

R/V Atlantic Explorer (cruise AE1410)

Chief Scientist Training Cruise

Barbados to Bermuda


May 31 – June 10

R/V Thompson, ROV Jason II, & AUV Sentry (cruise TN293)

FeMo Deep Iron Eaters

Lo’ihi Seamount, Hawaii


March 4 – April 1

R/V Knorr & ROV Jason II (cruise KN209-02)

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Mid-Atlantic Ridge


October 16 – November 14

I’ve also worked on a lobster boat in Maine & a seine boat in Alaska.

R/V Longhorn

University of Texas

Gulf of Mexico


Terrestrial Field Experience

Microbial Ecology of Fungus-Growing Ants

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute


2010 - 2008

  • Four expeditions to Panama
  • 15-month residency at STRI
  • Field & lab experiments with fungus-growing ants

A lot of my field experience in terrestrial systems is on fungus-growing ants in the Neotropics.

Biogeography of Fungus-Growing Ants

University of Texas

Mexico & Panama

2004 - 2001

Multiple field expeditions to understand the biogeography of fungus-growing ants & their fungal symbionts.

Molecular Ecology of Cichlids in Northern Mexico

University of Texas

Coahuila, Mexico

2001 - 2000

Molecular analysis of cichlid fish endemic to aquifer fed pools of the Cuatro Cienegas Basin.

Mayan Archaeological Surveys

University of Texas

Northwestern Belize


Extensive surveys & excavations of Mayan archaeological sites in lowland tropical rain forests.

Recent Teaching Experience


STRI-McGill NEO Tropical Biology Field Course



  • Guide project design & implementation.
  • Reproducible analytical workflows using R Markdown.
  • Assist students with field work.
  • Natural history of neotropical marine & terrestrial ecosystems.

Data Specialist & Project Coordinator

STRI-McGill NEO Tropical Biology Field Course



  • Guide project design & implementation.
  • Reproducible analytical workflows using R Markdown.
  • Assist students with field work.
  • Natural history of neotropical marine & terrestrial ecosystems.

Click here for the course tutorial site

Field sites incl. Barro Colorado Island, Bocas del Toro, Agua Salud, & Isla Coiba.

Instructor & Course Creator

Web Products & Data Curation



Click here for the course website.

Online course about creating web-based reproducible workflows using open source software tools and platforms. The course website can be found here.


STRI-McGill NEO Tropical Biology Field Course



  • Guide project design & implementation.
  • Reproducible analytical workflows using R Markdown.
  • Assist students with field work.
  • Natural history of neotropical marine & terrestrial ecosystems.

Field sites incl. Barro Colorado Island, Ft Sherman Canopy Crane, Pipeline Road Forests, Agua Salud & Isla Coiba.

I teach the way I learn. My goal is to create a venue where students can be curious, get their hands dirty, make mistakes, & explore. I’m here to help students see what’s possible, not tell them what to do.

Marine Biology Instructor

STRI-McGill Tropical Biology Field Course

Isla Coiba, Panama


  • Guide project design & implementation.
  • Assist students with field work.
  • Snorkeling class for inexperienced students.

Click here for the course blog & here for the course website.

Workshop Creator & Organizer

Marine Microbiome Workshop

Bocas del Tora, Panama


From model organisms to ecosystems: scaling-up our understanding of host-microbe symbiosis in the sea.

  • Conceived, created & designed workshop.
  • Handled workshop logistics & organization.
  • Led discussions & working groups.

Click here for the workshop website & here for the publication written by workshop participants.

Web Products

R Markdowng Fielduide

Web project guide book for 2022 STRI-McGill NEO Tropical Biology Field Course.




Reproducible bioinformatic workflows for the study Soil Warming Experiment in Lowland Tropical Rainforest.

Barro Colorado Island, Panama


Reproducible Workflows


Reproducible bioinformatic workflows for the study Rapid ecosystem-scale consequences of acute deoxygenation on a Caribbean reef.

Bocas del Toro, Panama


Reproducible Workflows

Istmobiome Project

Reproducible bioinformatic workflows for the Istmobiome microbiome project.




Reproducible bioinformatic workflows for the study The gut microbiome stability of a butterflyfish is disrupted on severely degraded Caribbean reef habitats..

Bocas del Toro, Panama



Reproducible bioinformatic workflows for the study Intestinal microbes: an axis of functional diversity among large marine consumers.

Pickles Reef, Florida USA


Cacao Fermentation

Talk about the microbiology of cacao fermentation.

Bocas del Toro, Panama


Public Presentations

Rethinking the Diversity of Life

Talk about understanding diversity through a molecular lens.

Bocas del Toro, Panama


How the Isthmus of Panama Changed the World

Talk about how life changed on land & in the sea after the closure of the Isthmus of Panama.

Bocas del Toro, Panama


R Markdown Fieldguide

Web project tutorial site for the 2022 STRI-McGill NEO Tropical Biology Field Course.



Courses & Workshops

Web Products & Data Curation

Website for course on using open-source software tools to create web-based reproducible workflows.



Web Project Guide

Web project guide book for 2020 STRI-McGill NEO Tropical Biology Field Course.



Workshop Guide

Web site for the first STRI/Moore Foundation Marine Microbiome Workshop.

Bocas del Toro,


Additional Training & Certifications

PADI Rescue Diver Certification Course

Panama Dive School

Bocas del Toro, Panama


PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Certification Course

Panama Dive School

Bocas del Toro, Panama


PADI Open Water Diver Certification Course

Panama Dive School

Bocas del Toro, Panama



University of Exeter Sequencing Center

Penryn, England


1-week hands-on training bootcamp on deploying Oxford Nanopore’s portable sequencing platform, the MinION.

Click here to learn more.

Complex Systems Summer School

Santa Fe Institute

Santa Fe, New Mexico USA


4-week intensive course on complex systems.

Click here for the 2015 CSSS proceedings.

UNOLS Chief Scientist Training Cruise

The University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System

Barbados to Bermuda.


2-week course on how to effectively plan for, acquire, utilize, & report on time at sea for multi-disciplinary research & education.

Click here for the final report from the 2014 UNOLS training cruise.

Fire Fighter I & II. NFPA 1001-2006

Southern Maine Community College

Portland, Maine USA


Year-long training course for Fire Fighter I & II Certification.

Microbial Diversity Course

Marine Biological Labs

Woods Hole, Massachusetts USA


6-week intensive course. Cultivating, & isolating diverse microbes. Molecular & computational analyses.

Click here to learn more.

Marine Botany & the Biology of Fish

University of Texas Marine Science Institute.

Port Aransas, Texas USA


Archaeological Field Techniques

The Programme for Belize Archaeological Project

Orange Walk District, Belize


Intensive field course on Mayan art, architecture, & iconography.

Learn more on the course website.


Smithsonian Institution Genomics Postdoctoral Fellowship



2014 - 2012

Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship

College of Agriculture & Life Science

University of Wisconsin

2011 - 2010

Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute


2010 - 2009

Peer Reviewed Publications

Contrasting drivers of abundant phage and prokaryotic communities revealed in diverse coastal ecosystems.

ISME Communications 3, 127 (2023)



Weinheimer AR, Aylward FO, Leray M, Scott JJ

Microbial diversity declines in warmed tropical soil and respiration rise exceed predictions as communities adapt.

Nature Microbiology 7, 1650–1660 (2022)



Nottingham AT, Scott JJ, Saltonstall K, Broders K, Montero-Sanchez M, Püspök J, Bååth E, Meir P.

Click here for the project website & reproducible workflows from this paper.

The gut microbiome variability of a butterflyfish increases on severely degraded Caribbean reefs

Communications Biology 5, 770 (2022)



Clever F, Sourisse JM, Preziosi RF, Eisen JA, Rodriguez Guerra EC, Scott JJ, Wilkins LGE, Altieri AH, McMillan WO, Leray M.

Click here for the project website & reproducible workflows from this paper.

Rapid ecosystem-scale consequences of acute deoxygenation on a Caribbean reef

Nature Communications 12, 4522 (2021)



Johnson MD, Scott JJ, Leray M, Lucey N, Lucia Rodriguez L, Wied W, Altieri AH.

Click here for the project website & reproducible workflows from this paper. Johnson, Scott, Leray, & Lucey contributed equally to the work.

Intestinal microbes: an axis of functional diversity among large marine consumers

Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287:(20192367)



Scott JJ, Adam TC, Duran A, Burkepile DE, Rasher DB.

Click here for the project website & reproducible workflows from this paper.

A Genus definition for Bacteria and Archaea based on a standard genome relatedness index

mBio 11(2020):e02475-19



Barco RA, Garrity GM, Scott JJ, Amend JP, Nealson KH, Emerson D.

Editor’s Pick

Biological rejuvenation of iron oxides in bioturbated marine sediments.

The ISME Journal. 12(2018):1389-1394.



Beam JP, Scott JJ, McAllister SM, Chan CS, McManus J, Meysman FJ, Emerson D.

Bringing microbial diversity into focus: high‐resolution analysis of iron mats from the Lō‘ihi Seamount.

Environmental Microbiology. 19(2017):301-316.



Scott JJ, Glazer BT, Emerson D.

Physiological and ecological implications of an iron-or hydrogen-oxidizing member of the Zetaproteobacteria, Ghiorsea bivora, gen. nov., sp. nov.

The ISME Journal. 11(2017):2624-2636.



Mori JF, Scott JJ, Hager KW, Moyer CL, Küsel K, Emerson D.

Biogeography of mutualistic fungi cultivated by leafcutter ants.

Molecular Ecology. 26(2017):6921-6937.



Mueller UG, Ishak HD, Bruschi SM, Smith CC, Herman JJ, Solomon SE, Mikheyev AS, Rabeling C, Scott JJ, Cooper M, Rodrigues A.

In situ estimates of iron-oxidation and accretion rates for iron-oxidizing bacterial mats at Lō’ihi Seamount.

Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 126(2017):31-39.



Emerson D, Scott JJ, Leavitt A, Fleming E, Moyer C.

Exploring the “SHARKCANO”: biogeochemical observations of the Kavachi Submarine Volcano (Solomon Islands).

Oceanography. 29(2016):160-169.



Phillips BT, Dunbabin M, Henning B, Howell C, DeCiccio A, Flinders A, Kelley KA, Scott JJ, Albert S, Carey S, Tsadok R.

Microbial iron mats at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and evidence that Zetaproteobacteria may be restricted to iron-oxidizing marine systems.

PLoS One. 10(2015):e0119284.



Scott JJ, Breier JA, Luther III GW, Emerson D.

Baleen whales host a unique gut microbiome with similarities to both carnivores and herbivores.

Nature Communications. 6(2015):8285.



Sanders JG, Beichman AC, Roman J, Scott JJ, Emerson D, McCarthy JJ, Girguis PR.

Microbial iron oxidation in the arctic tundra and its implications for biogeochemical cycling.

Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 81(2015):8066-8075.



Emerson D, Scott JJ, Benes J, Bowden WB.

Unique honey bee (Apis mellifera) hive component-based communities as detected by a hybrid of phospholipid fatty-acid and fatty-acid methyl ester analyses.

PloS One. 10(2015):e0121697.



Grubbs KJ, Scott JJ, Budsberg KJ, Read H, Balser TC, Currie CR.

Convergent bacterial microbiotas in the fungal agricultural systems of insects.

mBio. 5(2014):e02077-14.



Aylward FO, Suen G, Biedermann PH, Adams AS, Scott JJ, Malfatti SA, del Rio TG, Tringe SG, Poulsen M, Raffa KF, Klepzig KD.

Using in situ voltammetry as a tool to identify and characterize habitats of iron-oxidizing bacteria: from fresh water wetlands to hydrothermal vent sites.

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 16(2014):2117-2126.



MacDonald DJ, Findlay AJ, McAllister S, Barnett JM, Hredzak-Showalter P, Krepski ST, Cone SG, Scott JJ, Bennett SK, Chan CS, Emerson D, GW Luther III.

Leucoagaricus gongylophorus produces diverse enzymes for the degradation of recalcitrant plant polymers in leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens.

Applied & Environmental Microbiology 79(2013):3770-3778.



Aylward FO, Burnum-Johnson KE, Tringe SG, Teiling C, Tremmel DM, Moeller JA, Scott JJ, Barry KW, Piehowski PD, Nicora CD, Malfatti SA.

A phylogenetic analysis of the phylum Fibrobacteres.

Systematic & Applied Microbiology. 36(2013):376-382.



Jewell KA, Scott JJ, Adams SM, Suen G.

Metagenomic and metaproteomic insights into bacterial communities in leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens.

The ISME Journal. 6(2012):1688-701.



Aylward FO, Burnum KE, Scott JJ, Suen G, Tringe SG, Adams SM, Barry KW, Nicora CD, Piehowski PD, Purvine SO, Starrett GJ.

The genome sequence of the leaf-cutter ant Atta cephalotes reveals insights into its obligate symbiotic lifestyle.

PLoS Genetics. 7(2011):e1002007.



Suen G, Teiling C, Li L, Holt C, Abouheif E, Bornberg-Bauer E, Bouard P, Caldera EJ, Cash E, Cavanaugh A, Denas O, Elhaik E, Fav MJ, Gadau J, Gibson JD, Graur D, Grubbs KJ, Hagen DE, Harkins TT, Helmkampf M, Hu H, Johnson BR, Kim J, Marsh SE, Moeller JA, Muoz-Torres MC, Murphy MC, Naughton MC, Nigam S, Overson R, Rajakumar R, Reese JT, Scott JJ Smith CR, Tao S, Tsutsui ND, Viljakainen L, Wissler L, Yandell MD, Zimmer F, Taylor J, Slater SC, Clifton SW, Warren WC, Elsik CG, Smith CD, Weinstock GM, Gerardo NM, Currie CR.

Microbial community structure of leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens and refuse dumps.

PloS One 5(2010):e9922.



Scott JJ, Budsberg KJ, Suen G, Wixon DL, Balser TC, Currie CR.

An insect herbivore microbiome with high plant biomass-degrading capacity.

PLoS Genetics. 6(2010): e1001129.



Suen G, Scott JJ, Aylward FO, Adams SM, Tringe SG, Pinto-Tomás AA, Foster CE, Pauly M, Weimer PJ, Barry KW, Goodwin LA.

Monoculture of leafcutter ant gardens.

PLoS One. 5(2010):e12668.



Mueller UG, Scott JJ, Ishak HD, Cooper M, Rodrigues A.

Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the symbiotic fungi cultivated by leaf cutter ants (Attini, Formicidae).

Molecular Ecology Resources. 9(2009):1391-1394.



Scott JJ, Kweskin MK, Cooper M, Mueller UG.

Mycangimycin, a polyene peroxide from a mutualist Streptomyces.

Organic Letters. 11(2009):633-636.



Oh DC, Scott JJ, Currie CR, Clardy J.

Bionectriol A, a polyketide glycoside from the fungus Bionectria sp. associated with the fungus-growing ant, Apterostigma dentigerum.

Tetrahedron Letters. 50(2009):6834-6837.



Freinkman E, Oh DC, Scott JJ, Currie CR, Clardy J.

Bacterial protection of beetle-fungus mutualism

Scott JJ, Oh DC, Yuceer MC, Klepzig KD, Clardy J, Currie CR.



Science. 2008 322(5898):63.

See accompanying Perspective: Bugs Bugs. Berenbaum MR, Eisner T. 2008. Science. 322:52-53.


The source code for this cv is available here. I made it with the R package pagedown and help from the Internet, especially this repo.

Last updated on 2024-04-06.